
Please let us know if you are attending online or on-site using this registration form. It is free to participate.

🚩 On-site


L1 lecture hall in the Information Science building of the Nara Institute of Science and Technology. The location of the entrance (red) to the lecture hall (blue) can be viewed here.


On campus, you will be able to use the eduroam WiFi infrastructure for internet access. If your home institution provides eduroam, we recommend setting up your account before coming to the venue.


Since we will have many virtual visitors and we might use break rooms for the ideation session, we strongly advise you to bring headphones with a microphone.

🌐 Online

Zoom links for online participation will be distributed to participants who registered at the ACII conference. In case you use Zoom for the first time to join an online event, we recommend reading about its basic usage here or here.